Though encouraged, dogs enjoying Bark-A-Bout are not required to be fully vaccinated for the Canine Flu, (H3N2 and H3N8, killed virus) which is comprised of two doses administered two to four weeks apart from each other, and typically updated with an annual yearly booster, which includes only one shot.
How To Upload Your Vaccine Documents To Your Customer Portal
Below is some helpful information about the canine influenza vaccination.
Please note that we are not veterinarians and ask that you speak with your vet regarding any questions or concerns.
Veterinary offices in our area may carry the canine flu vaccine. Ask your vet for availability.

According to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Andrea Milam of Creekside Animal Hospital in Macomb, Michigan:
“As far as we have seen, we have not had any animals returning back for a vaccine reaction after receiving the influenza vaccine. The most common reactions are for pets to be a little sleepy and sore. More severe reactions are rare, however when you see them they can range from lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, facial swelling, and anaphylaxis reactions. Unfortunately there is no way to know if a pet is going to have a reaction to a vaccine before giving it, and pets should be monitored after vaccines are given.”
According to the vaccine manufacturer, the H3N2/H3N8 vaccination can be given to healthy dogs that are at least eight weeks old. Be sure to speak with your vet to set up a vaccination regimen for your dog.
Learn More About The Canine Flu
For questions regarding Bark-A-Bout’s upcoming Vaccination Policy changes please call Bark-A-Bout at (586)566-8900.